Social Networking Goes Mobile

Clive Lobo

Social Networking has gone mobile!

It’s official. Social Networking has now gone mobile! With proliferation of 3G phones around the world accessing the Internet at hi speeds coupled with the increasing rate of users around the world experiencing the Internet for the first time through a phone it comes as no surprise that social networking sites have embraced the technology and gone mobile themselves. Advances in industry wireless network technologies such as SMS, WAP, Java, BREW and i-mode have combined to make it become a reality.

Here are but a few examples of Mobile Social Networking sites:

It’s a growing industry and it does not appear to be slowing down! Timmo Arnal has put together a nice post describing some mobile social networking initiatives that add to this overall phenomenon.

It’s here to stay folks, and it’s important that we continue to watch this trend. It could just be the next big source of leads for your business!

If you know of other mobile social networking sites post them in the comments and we’ll add them to the list.

Clive Lobo

Spark’s resident boss man, Clive possesses the very nature of an entrepreneurial spirit.

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