Facebook is launching some new advertising programs, and a group of major US Newspapers are rumoured to be collaborating on a closed Ad Network.
From WebProNews comes this story about Facebook’s new advertising programs. Here is a brief overview:
- Project Beacon
A user opt-in system to receive targeted ads from an advertiser to their “mini feed”. The mini-feed is separate from their news-feed.
Engaging with marketers page is spread virally through the system via the mini feeds when they say they are a fan of your brand. This is a very strong referral for a brand because it comes from peers!
- Social Ads
“Social Actions + Content = Social Ads.” . . . these ads will appear both in people’s feeds and as a personalized banner ad.
From WebProNews comes another story of 5 major US Newspapers collaborating on a closed Ad Network allowing them to keep the majority of the advertising dollars. For the full story go to Web Pro News.